A while ago, one of my friends suggested that I move my websites from a site I wasn't satisfied with to a webhosting site that he really liked. Why wasn't I satisfied? Well, it seems that today, most people are content with chat box support and messing around with computers that want to talk to you and solve your problems. I remain an old fart and want to talk to a human. It wasn't possible to do that where I had my websites hosted. It wasn't all that difficult to convince me to switch.
It is possible to get help from living humans with my new website host. Sometimes they speak with a Filipino accent, which is fine with me. I used to live there and recognize the accent. I always ask them questions about the Philippines while I'm speaking with them. Getting help from humans, even those on the other side of the planet, is so very satisfying.
The first site I moved was The Mural Man (themuralman.com). I gave the site a complete overhaul. It's so slick and clean looking. I love to share the site with anyone interested. Yes, it took me several months to make the overhaul, but it was so very worth it.
The second site to relocate was phillipmartin.com. This site has so many different things packed into it. One of the most important sections to me is the children's books that I have written and illustrated in the last five years. The same friend who started this journey for me also suggested that I use Shopify to create products for each of these books. (So far, I've written 23.) So, now on my Phillip Martin Shopify Store, you can find mugs, totes, writing pads, socks, shoes, gloves, key chai baggage tags and a whole lot more for your favorite books by me. When you see how much I created on that store, you'll understand why that also took a few months to create.
My third site to move to a new host was the Mural Man backup. The website is actually themuralman.world. I thought that ".world" was such a neat option for a url that I had to snatch this up since I paint my murals all over the world. It hosts the old, out-dated, original Mural Man site. I just couldn't delete it. So, if you want to see how far that website has come, you can still make the comparison. There is no comparison. The new one is amazing.
So, these were all three positive steps in the right direction. Yeah! I'm so very pleased with them. But, you knew from the start, there was going to be that one step back. For my fourth site, it was like the Titanic sinking or an experiment blowing up in my face.
And, here it is.
I thought it was only natural to put all of my websites in one basket. Doesn't it make sense to have them all together in one lotion? I know you aren't supposed to do it with eggs, but I thought it might be different with websites. So, I transferred my final site, phillipmartin.info, to this new host. This site is home to my clipart site used by students and teachers around the world. And, sad to say, it's also where Internet pirates have gone to steal my art and put it up on clipart sites everywhere.
If you ever look at that site, you'll find thousands of images on all kinds of subjects. The site has around 150 subdomains including: animals, the Bible, science, people, language arts, holidays, math, sports, state symbols, and school, just to name a few. I told you there are around 150.
Well, it wasn't until AFTER I transferred the site that I learned that my new host only permits 50 subdomains. What?!! That's right. 50. So what was I to do? I contacted the original site host to see about transferring back to them. According to the "powers that be" who control things on the internet, I have to wait 60 days before I can transfer the site back to where I didn't want it to remain.
Of course, it has been a frustration for me. It's also a frustration for people who want to access and use my clipart. The site isn't working right. Although I seem to be able to access, find, and download the art, other people have not been so fortunate. But, there is hope to be share now. I think the 60 days are over. I'm contacting the original host and will hopefully get the mess resolved splitting my website and no eggs, in two baskets.