
In the Shadow of Ben-Gurion

My home while painting Mural 69 was in the shadow of Ben-Gurion.  The first prime minister of Israel.

In the Shadow of Ben-Gurion

My home while painting Mural 69 was in the shadow of Ben-Gurion.  The first prime minister of Israel.

Abraham's Well

Should you listen to advice or do what you want to do?

Abraham's Well

Should you listen to advice or do what you want to do?

Mural 69 -- Be'er Sheva

I wandered to the Negev Desert for mural 69.  It was at a very unique school with both Jewish and Arab students.

Mural 69 -- Be'er Sheva

I wandered to the Negev Desert for mural 69.  It was at a very unique school with both Jewish and Arab students.

Taybeh Across Time

I thoroughly enjoy walking in the footsteps of history.  The village of Taybeh does not claims to fame if you make it to Palestine and want to explore.

Taybeh Across Time

I thoroughly enjoy walking in the footsteps of history.  The village of Taybeh does not claims to fame if you make it to Palestine and want to explore.

Mural 68 -- Taybeh, Palestine

The welcome was gracious and the students were Habibis in Taybeh, Palestine.

Mural 68 -- Taybeh, Palestine

The welcome was gracious and the students were Habibis in Taybeh, Palestine.

Mural 67 -- The Painter's House, Jerusalem

I have wanted to paint in the Holy Land -- and especially Jerusalem -- for so long.  Mural 67 is proof that dreams can come true.

Mural 67 -- The Painter's House, Jerusalem

I have wanted to paint in the Holy Land -- and especially Jerusalem -- for so long.  Mural 67 is proof that dreams can come true.