In the Shadow of Ben-Gurion
My home while painting Mural 69 was in the shadow of Ben-Gurion. The first prime minister of Israel.
In the Shadow of Ben-Gurion
My home while painting Mural 69 was in the shadow of Ben-Gurion. The first prime minister of Israel.
Mural 69 -- Be'er Sheva
I wandered to the Negev Desert for mural 69. It was at a very unique school with both Jewish and Arab students.
Mural 69 -- Be'er Sheva
I wandered to the Negev Desert for mural 69. It was at a very unique school with both Jewish and Arab students.
Taybeh Across Time
I thoroughly enjoy walking in the footsteps of history. The village of Taybeh does not claims to fame if you make it to Palestine and want to explore.
Taybeh Across Time
I thoroughly enjoy walking in the footsteps of history. The village of Taybeh does not claims to fame if you make it to Palestine and want to explore.
Mural 68 -- Taybeh, Palestine
The welcome was gracious and the students were Habibis in Taybeh, Palestine.
Mural 68 -- Taybeh, Palestine
The welcome was gracious and the students were Habibis in Taybeh, Palestine.
Mural 67 -- The Painter's House, Jerusalem
I have wanted to paint in the Holy Land -- and especially Jerusalem -- for so long. Mural 67 is proof that dreams can come true.
Mural 67 -- The Painter's House, Jerusalem
I have wanted to paint in the Holy Land -- and especially Jerusalem -- for so long. Mural 67 is proof that dreams can come true.