French Fedora

I have always loved maps.  When I was a kid, there were two places that I wanted to visit.  Not that I ever really thought I’d see them because nobody ever really left Ohio, but I had my two destinations nonetheless.  And, in spite of all my travels around the world, I still had never made it to Acapulco, Mexico, or the French Riviera.

Then, there was the email from Magalie.

Magalie is one of the gazillion teachers who love and use my clip art.  Okay, gazillion might be stretching things, but the site has millions of hits.  And, Magalie is one of the fans.  However, she is one of the few who ever took the time to write to me and thank me.  But, she didn’t just do that.  Because my art helps so many people, she wanted to do something for me.  So, Magalie said that if I ever came to the south of France, I could stay at her home and use it as a base for my travels.  At the time of the invitation I wasn’t sure if she checked with her husband before inviting a complete stranger from the Internet and another continent to their home.  She hadn’t.

I replied that a visit to France would be a lot more likely if a mural was involved.

Magalie and me at the Friendship Wall
I said that to the right person.  Magalie is a force to be reckoned with.  I don’t think you ever say no to her.  And, when she decided it would be a good idea for me to paint at her school, she bulldozed her way past every stumbling block reinforced with so much French red tape. And, there was an amazing amount of that red tape.  However, it was determined – she was determined – that I’d paint a mural in Aix-en-Provence, oh, so close to the French Riviera.

With Magalie, students and faculty alike at Lycée Emile Zola School knew what was in store.  Posters with my art encouraged volunteers for the project.  A publicity committee (a first for me) was in charge of contacting newspapers, radio, as well as ­­­­local and national television news to encourage coverage.  The story made the local newsTwice!  And, invitations to the “vernissage”, another first (It’s kind of an opening ceremony with finger foods.) were adorned with my art. These people knew what they were in for well before I set foot in France.

As it turned out, this was also my most fully documented mural.  And, this young man was a part of the video committee that recorded every step of the project.  Perhaps he planted a seed in my head?  A fedora is now my hat of choice but before the visit, I rarely ever wore any hats.  Regardless, he looks a lot more chic than me.

I'm still waiting to see Acapulco's cliff divers.
Wandering along the Riviera with a few of the summer sun worshipers.
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Buddhist Blessing


A Novel Novice
The Calm Before
Woman at the Wadi
The New Normal


French Fedora
Belgique Chic
Turkish Tea


Great Scot!
Loch Locks
Dutch Ears
Oh, La La Louvre


Gjirokaster Gjyshe
Geezer Wheezer


Mother Teresa's Sister
Ave Maria
Not Just February 14


The Tie That Binds
Howdy, Partner
Something Foul Afoot



Crocodile Dundee? Not Me
Blue Parrot
Sandy Feet in San Pedro
Simply UnBELIEZEable!



Tchau, Brasil
How to Import a Gringo
My Turn to Cry
Midnight in Marumbi
La Mia Flight 2933
The A Gincana Funeral


Saci's Pinata
Mural 50 in Barbosa Ferraz
Climbing Coba
Those Americans
A LIttle More Loving Care
The Day of the Dead
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