Sometimes You Win, Sometimes . . .
I have a stash of portraits that nobody has ever seen before. But, the "Aztec Sun" has garnered some attention.
Sometimes You Win, Sometimes . . .
I have a stash of portraits that nobody has ever seen before. But, the "Aztec Sun" has garnered some attention.
Not April Fools
If you saw this story in a movie, or read it in a book, you'd never believe it. But, this tale really took place in Central America.
Not April Fools
If you saw this story in a movie, or read it in a book, you'd never believe it. But, this tale really took place in Central America.
Late Bloomer
My mother always wanted me to place roots in Ohio. Bloom there. Well, I have been a late bloomer.
Late Bloomer
My mother always wanted me to place roots in Ohio. Bloom there. Well, I have been a late bloomer.
This Is Me
Too tall. Too short. Curly hair. Straight hair. Red hair (always my favorite). Too dark. Too light. Too skinny. Not skinny at all. Wrong accent. Different religion. Freckles. Too smart. ...
This Is Me
Too tall. Too short. Curly hair. Straight hair. Red hair (always my favorite). Too dark. Too light. Too skinny. Not skinny at all. Wrong accent. Different religion. Freckles. Too smart. ...
Still My Turn to Cry
One of my most favorite muraling moments was in Brazil where I met Claudinei. He had cerebral palsy. However, he loved art and painted with a special hat with an...
Still My Turn to Cry
One of my most favorite muraling moments was in Brazil where I met Claudinei. He had cerebral palsy. However, he loved art and painted with a special hat with an...